What Is Garnet? Garnet is a sandblasting mineral, derived from either Almandite or Andradite deposits. Almandite garnet is further separated by being either Hard Rock or Alluvial. It is great for both wet and dry sandblasting applications. Garnet is a industrial gemstone that creates a profile virtually free of embedment, which makes it excellent for coating adhesion, as well as applications where low or no transfer of grit into the substrate can be tolerated. We offer Almandite garnet, as well as Andradite type garnets.
The simplest way to describe garnet would be "Clean & Fast".
Minimum Order: One pallet of 2000 or 3000 lbs depending on packaging, and type of garnet you order.
Excellent For:
WATERJET GARNET: We have two types of waterjet garnet. The first is Galaxy Garnet which is a hard rock Almandite garnet. This is a premium garnet for waterjet use, and is available in an 80 grit. 60 bags/pallet minimum order, or a 2,200 lb supersack.
Second, we off an Andradite Garnet for waterjet use that has been cleaned and re-screened to Waterjet Specs and gone through several passes on a magnetic separation device to remove most tramp minerals. This garnet has a slightly lower density and lower hardness rating than the permium Galaxy Garnet. It will also have a hint of a trace mineral called Wollastonite (a tramp mineral) that we are unable to completely remove with magnetic separators. It will thus be slightly more dusty, about 5% more dusty than Indian waterjet garnet, and it is also slightly less hard (7.0-7.5 on the Mohs scale). If you were using our premium Galaxy Garnet you will notice a difference when switching to this less premium media. Mainly you will need to change your filters more often (about twice as often) due to the Wollastonite. There should be no change to cutting speed. Benefits of this media include availability and price - we have huge quantities available (for decades to come), at a great price, with virtually no chlorides (Indian garnet contains chlorides), same gradation as Indian Garnet, and are now able to offer this media in a 2040, 3060, as well as 80X grit. The 80X is used for waterjet use and the coarser grades are used in regular sandblasting applications, and will be noticeably less dusty than regular garnet due to the special processing it goes through (same processing as the 80X for waterjet use).
Coverage Notes For Regular Sandblasters Using 3060 and 2040: Paint contractors are loving these coarser "waterjet" grades for regular sandblasting use. Surfaces are blasting exceptionally clean, free of debri, and they report using 1/3 to 1/2 LESS than regular sandblasting garnet would require. So even though the price is higher for our "Waterjet grade" garnet, project costs are less due to less media consumption, and labor costs. Brown / Grey in color.
We also offer a permium Almandite / Alluvial garnet which is pink in color and is mined here in ID.
Packaged in 50 LB bags, 2200 lb Supesacks, and 3000 LB Super Sacs, more details below. Please make sure you tell us you are asking for Waterjet Garnet when requesting a quote. Get a Quote Now
Re Coverage Estimate: Most people using our Garnet use 30-40% less garnet than utility products like glass or slag. It's more dense so it works harder.
Garnet Sizing and Profile Information: (!) NOTES: Anchor patterns will vary tremendously based on other variables such as hardness & type of steel, level of corrosion being removed, blast angle, blast distance from the steel, etc. There are also many differnet types of garnet available, each having a different result when used in a blasting operation.
Make sure you indicate to us what your required mil profile is, the type of steel you are blasting, and what you are removing, so we can best match a garnet to suit your operation.
16 - Very Coarse. ideal for blast rooms due to the number of times you can recycle. Provides a 3-4 mil profile on blasting steel, bridges, ships and tanks.
2040 - Medium Coarse.
36 – Coarse. Produces a 2 - 3 mil profile on steel surfaces. Generally used for thick coatings, marine fouling, and rust. Sandblast grade only.
3060 Medium. Produces a 2.0 – 3 mil profile on steel surfaces. Considered to be an overall workhorse grade for new steel and maintenance for coatings up to 20 mils.
50 Mesh. Sandblast grade only.
80 Mesh – Fine. Produces a 1.5 - 2.0 profile on steel surfaces. Great for aluminum and other sensitive substrates. Also perfect for marine aluminum applications, and hydro blast cleaning operations. Also available in Waterjet Grade!
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