Typically, Green SiC that is used for wire sawing applications will be more tightly graded than the regular FEPA Standard. Wire sawing requires high purity and a low level of fines.
Green Silicon Carbide JIS800, JIS1000, JIS1200, and JIS1200 are often used. JIS800-JIS2000 are available. Please Contact Us with your technical specs for a custom quotation.
Lead Time: 3 Business Days to date of shipping due to ISO Quality Control paperwork that we must complete prior to shipping.
Specifications of Silicon Carbide for Sintering:
- Thermal Conductivity: High (100 W/m-K) approximately
- Incompatabilities: None
- Melting Point: 2600 degrees C, 4712 degrees F
- Typical Packaging: 500 kg bags
- Odor: Odorless
- Safety: Avoid breathing dust; wear protective gear
- Purity: 99% approximate
- Friability: Semi-Friable
- Pricing Based Per: Pound
- Structure: Monocrystalline, Blocky and Sharp Edged
- Shipping Point: Chicago
- NMF Classification: Class 55
- Fire & Explosion: Fines can cause explosion and smolder
- Keep away from all sources of ignition
- Color: Green
- Hardness: Knoop 2600 (Green SiC), 9.5 Mohs
- Instability: Stable
- Hazardous? Not listed as hazardous; see other cautions
- Disposal: According to Federal, State, Local regulations
- Grain Shape: Blocky, sharp edged
- Type: Granular or powdery depending on grade
- Specific Gravity: 3.2 (SiC)
- Bulk Density: ANSI B74.12-1988
Typical Applications:
- Lapping
- Polishing
- Slurry Mixes
- Super-Refractory Applications
- Wire Saw Slicing
Please Contact Us with your technical specs for a custom quotation.