Home :: Boron Carbide Technical Data

Boron Carbide Technical Data

Boron Carbide is a high performance abrasive material with chemical and physical properties similar to diamond (chemical resistance and hardness). It is so hard that is has been nicknamed "Black Diamond", and has become one of the leading grinding materials. Ceramic grades as well as nuclear grades for neutron absorption are available.


Typical Technical data

•Appearance (dry state): Color Black
•Chemical composition: Chemical formula: B4C Application
Grade AG (Abrasive) CG (Ceramic) RG (Refractory) NG (Nuclear)
B + C min. 98 99 94 98
B (Boron) min. 76 77 75 76
C (Carbon) max. 23 22.5 24 24
B2O3 0.50 0.10 1.0 0.1
Fe (Iron) max. 0.2 0.10 0.5 0.1
Si (Silicon) - 0.01 0.3 0.01
N (Nitrogen) - 0.01 0.5 0.5
B + C min. 98 99 94 98
Isotope B10 (atomic weight)   19.5-21.5%
•Physical data: Knoop hardness (0.1) 3000
Mohs hardness < 9.5 Note: Diamond’s Mohs hardness is 10
Specific gravity: 2.51
Melting point: 2723 oF
Structure: Monocrystalline











Availability of particle sizes

Boron carbide grit sizes correspond to the specifications of the Federation of European Producers of Abrasive Products (FEPA):

F100 (150/106 um) F220 (75/45 um) F360 (40/12 um) F800 (14/2 um)
F120 (125/90 um) F240 (70/28 um) F400 (32/8 um) F1000 (10/1 um)
F150 (106/63 um) F280 (59/22 um) F500 (25/5 um) F1200 (7/1 um)
F180 (90/53 um) F320 (49/16.5 um) F600 (19/3 um) F1500 (<5 um)




Other sizes in FEPA and USA Mesh System are available on request: -10, -15, -20 µ Standard packaging in 100 lb (30 gal.) fiber drums Custom packaging is available on request.


Common Nuclear Grades: 

B10 NOTE: The Isotope B10 Content (atomic weight) of our nuclear grade Boron Carbide powders will fall between 19.5-21.5%



UKA Grade Average
Particle Size
Typical Application Notes
1. NG112M 112 micron Additive to concrete B<75%
2. NG36L 36 micron B<70%
3. NG24H 24 micron Nuclear Shielding Panels, Reaction Control Rods,
4. NG24HE 24 micron B>76% + Enhanced Heat Transfer Capability
5. NG100H 100 micron B>76%
6. NG100HE 100 micron B>76% + Enhanced Heat Transfer Capability
7. NG6H 6 micron B>76%
8. NG6HE 6 micron B>76% + Enhanced Heat Transfer Capability