Home :: Corn Cob :: Corn Cob Abrasives for Metal Finishing, Cleaning, Deburring, Blasting

Corn Cob Abrasives for Metal Finishing, Cleaning, Deburring, Blasting

Corn Cob Abrasives for Metal Finishing, Cleaning, Deburring, Blasting
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SKU Corn Cob Abrasive 2040.40lbs
Weight + Tare 42.00 lbs
Our price: $36.00
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Corn cob abrasives for surface preparation, oil absorption and drying.  Our corn cob grits are superior for a number of reasons:

  1. Particle Shape.  Our corn cob grit has a "cube-cut" particle shape, which outperform the flattened particle shape of our competition.  One of the benefits of this particle shape is that they will not get stuck in pieces like springs, bearings, castings, wire brads, etc.
  2. Moisture Content.  We offer the lowest moisture content available.  (4 to 6 % is the norm, with a maximum of 10%)  This provides you with faster drying and more absorption of oils and cleaning fluids.
  3. Environmentally Friendly:  Our corn cob granules are biodegradable, non-toxic, silica-free, USDA Bio-Preferred product.  This is NOT a certified "Organic" product.
  4. Custom Production, Custom Bagging, and Custom Blending Available!  Get A Quote Now!
  5. Can be used in the same equipment that is used with sand, nut shells, or other blasting medias.


  • Brass Cleaning & Polishing (1420)
  • Metal Finishing
  • Fiberglass, aluminum, and wooden boat hulls (2040 - this size is available for sale online, above)
  • Electrical substations
  • Motors, generators, machinery and heavier equipment
  • Deburring
  • Absorption of oils and cleaning fluids
  • Sandblasting
  • Blast Cleaning of log homes, houses, and barns prior to repainting
  • Aluminum molds
  • Turbines
  • Oil rigs
  • Mining Equipment
  • Mushroom Cultivation:  8-20-15 Ground corncob particles as a medium for growing mushrooms.  Min. order is a pallet, packaged in either 25 lb poly bags x 55 = 1,375 lbs/pallet  Or in 30 lb paper bags x 55 = 1,650 lbs/pallet)
  • Fillers, Extenders
  • Cleaning of engine and motor parts
  • Barrell finishing
  • Drying & Polishing applications
  • Filtration
  • Abrasive in Cosmetics such as hand cleaners, other beauty products
  • Silica-free soft grit blasting for cleaning carbon, oil and
    products of corrosion from cylinders, pistons, and other engine parts


  • 40 or 50 lb bags, one net ton per pallet
  • Tote Bags (Range from 1800-2100lbs per tote)
  • Bulk

Grades Available:  These are US Standard Mesh sizes:






-80 only available in supersack, not smaller bags.

A number of absorbents are also available in pellets or loose material     


Additional Specifications:

  • Minimum Quantity:  Generally corn cob grit is sold by the net ton, or per 2,000 lb pallets.  We can sell less than a full pallet, but it is rather spendy to do so.  You may however, order a 50lb bag of 2040 on this page if you need a test bag to try.


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